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5 Financial Not To-Do's

Writer: Isa KettmannIsa Kettmann

If you take care of these 5 things, you might end up saving a lot of money and time.

We all make errors, and we learn from them. When it comes to money, though, it is advisable to avoid the trial-and-error method.

Perhaps you're making some easy errors that can be corrected with a little effort. Your financial advisor may be able to assist you.

Avoid These Five Financial Mistakes

Avoiding some of the following financial blunders could save you a lot of money and pain in the long run.

1. Taking money out of a Retirement Account to pay off debt: If you withdraw money from a retirement plan before reaching a particular age, you may face significant income tax penalties. Even if no penalties apply, cashing out a full account at once may place you at a higher tax rate.

Early or premature distributions are when money is withdrawn before reaching the age of 59.5. You could face an additional ten percent tax. (As with any rule, there are exceptions, so consult a knowledgeable financial advisor or the Internal Revenue Service.)

Many people were obliged to use their retirement funds to pay off rising bills and loans because of the COVID-19 outbreak. This was a last-ditch effort, but the lesson of the story is that if you must take a distribution, you should at the very least be aware of the tax implications and take steps to lessen them.

2. Failure to keep track of retirement account rollover dates: Receiving a check from an eligible retirement account and depositing that money into another qualified retirement account within 60 calendar days allows you to move your wealth around.

The IRS counts the sum as a taxable distribution if you miss the deadline. In addition, your 401(k) plan provider deducts 20% of federal income taxes. To avoid any tax penalties, you must add funds from other sources equivalent to the gross pay-out.

What is the key takeaway here? When possible, rollover your accounts utilizing a trustee-to-trustee transfer. A direct transfer of funds from your custodian to another custodian may be a preferable approach to performing a rollover.

3. Failing to keep beneficiaries up to date: It's common to forget to delete a former spouse's name from a retirement account or insurance policy's beneficiary list. This could lead to you being unable to provide for your children, a new spouse, or other family members. You must check your beneficiary designations at least once a year and if a major life event occurs, such as a marriage, divorce, or birth.

4. No Will: After your death, your assets are transferred to your beneficiaries according to your will. However, if you pass away without a will, your assets will be inherited according to the law of intestacy. In that case, your assets might not be transferred according to your desire. It is, therefore, advisable to have a will that specifies where you would want to see your money go after you pass. It would be best to review your will every few years or whenever there are any changes in your life.

5. No power of attorney: A power of attorney (POA) is a person whom you choose to make decisions on your behalf, should you be incapacitated to take one. They are generally your spouse or someone whom you trust. This person will then be able to access your bills, finances, and expenses and sign your tax returns for you.

In case you do not have a POA, and you are unable to make your decisions, your family will be bound to petition the courts for a conservatorship. This process is undoubtedly, extremely time-consuming and money-drenching.

Therefore, it would be best to speak with an attorney and get a POA selected for your account.

Your Financial Advisor: Your finances could be the most complicated or the easiest part of your life, it all depends on you having a financial plan and a financial advisor.

It would be best to have a financial advisor who knows all about the different retirement accounts and make plans which consider unforeseen circumstances which you might face. Your financial advisor must understand your goals and help you not make decisions after being affected by emotions alone.

The smartest way to take care of this is by building a financial plan for yourself with the help of a financial advisor. This would certainly make your life easier and help you have a better and more peaceful life.


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